Powhatania M.von Balthazar, P.R.Crane, K.R.Pedersen & E.M.Friis, 2011

higherClassification: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Laurales
taxonID 10022209
datasetID 0938172b-2086-439c-a1dd-c21cb0109ed5
parentNameUsageID 407
scientificName Powhatania M.von Balthazar, P.R.Crane, K.R.Pedersen & E.M.Friis, 2011
scientificNameAuthorship M.von Balthazar, P.R.Crane, K.R.Pedersen & E.M.Friis, 2011
canonicalName Powhatania
genericName Powhatania
taxonRank genus
namePublishedIn von Balthazar, M.; Crane, P. R.; Pedersen, K. R.; Friis, E. M. (2011). New flowers of Laurales from the Early Cretaceous (early to middle Albian) of eastern North America. Pp. 49-87 in Wanntorp, L. & Ronse De Craene, L. P., eds.: Flowers on the Tree of Life. Cambridge University Press.
taxonomicStatus doubtful
kingdom Plantae
phylum Tracheophyta
class Magnoliopsida
order Laurales
genus Powhatania
DataSource GBIF Backbone Taxonomy   2023-08-28