taxonID | 10310751 |
datasetID | 7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b |
parentNameUsageID | 4895964 |
scientificName | Umaltolepis hebeiensis Wang |
scientificNameAuthorship | Wang |
canonicalName | Umaltolepis hebeiensis |
genericName | Umaltolepis |
specificEpithet | hebeiensis |
taxonRank | species |
namePublishedIn | Wang, Z. Plant Kingdom. In: Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (eds), Paleontological Atlas of North China II Mesozoic, China: Geological Publishing House, pp. 223–384. (in Chinese). (1984). |
taxonomicStatus | accepted |
kingdom | Plantae |
phylum | Tracheophyta |
class | Ginkgoopsida |
order | Ginkgoales |
family | Umaltolepidaceae |
genus | Umaltolepis |
DataSource | GBIF Backbone Taxonomy 2023-08-28 |