Axsmithia H.M.Anderson, 2019

higherClassification: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Umkomasiaceae
taxonID 12025851
datasetID 0938172b-2086-439c-a1dd-c21cb0109ed5
parentNameUsageID 3230413
scientificName Axsmithia H.M.Anderson, 2019
scientificNameAuthorship H.M.Anderson, 2019
canonicalName Axsmithia
genericName Axsmithia
taxonRank genus
namePublishedIn Anderson, H. M.; Barbacka, M. K.; Bamford, M. K.; Holmes, W. B. K.; Anderson, J. M. (2019). Umkomasia (megasporophyll): part 1 of a reassessment of Gondwana Triassic plant genera and a reclassification of some previously attributed. Alcheringa. 43(1): 43-70.
taxonomicStatus doubtful
kingdom Plantae
phylum Tracheophyta
family Umkomasiaceae
genus Axsmithia
DataSource GBIF Backbone Taxonomy   2023-08-28