Paradiospyroxylon V.Koutecký & J.Sakala, 2022

higherClassification: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Ericales > Ebenaceae
taxonID 12366432
datasetID 0938172b-2086-439c-a1dd-c21cb0109ed5
parentNameUsageID 6709
scientificName Paradiospyroxylon V.Koutecký & J.Sakala, 2022
scientificNameAuthorship V.Koutecký & J.Sakala, 2022
canonicalName Paradiospyroxylon
genericName Paradiospyroxylon
taxonRank genus
namePublishedIn Koutecký, V.; Sakala, J.; Chytrý, V. (2022). Paradiospyroxylon kvacekii gen. et sp. nov. from the Paleogene of the Czech Republic: a case study of individual variability and its significance for fossil wood systematics. Historical Biology. Online first 23 June 2022.
taxonomicStatus doubtful
kingdom Plantae
phylum Tracheophyta
class Magnoliopsida
order Ericales
family Ebenaceae
genus Paradiospyroxylon
DataSource GBIF Backbone Taxonomy   2023-08-28