Pachytestopsis S.McLoughlin, B.Bomfleur & A.N.Drinnan, 2018

higherClassification: Plantae > Tracheophyta
taxonID 12385388
datasetID 0938172b-2086-439c-a1dd-c21cb0109ed5
parentNameUsageID 7707728
scientificName Pachytestopsis S.McLoughlin, B.Bomfleur & A.N.Drinnan, 2018
scientificNameAuthorship S.McLoughlin, B.Bomfleur & A.N.Drinnan, 2018
canonicalName Pachytestopsis
genericName Pachytestopsis
taxonRank genus
namePublishedIn McLoughlin, S.; Bomfleur, B.; Drinnan, A. N. (2018). Pachytestopsis tayloriorum gen. et sp. nov., an anatomically preserved glossopterid seed from the Lopingian of Queensland, Australia. Pp. 155-178 in Krings, M. et al. (eds.): Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor. Academic Press, London.
taxonomicStatus doubtful
kingdom Plantae
phylum Tracheophyta
genus Pachytestopsis
DataSource GBIF Backbone Taxonomy   2023-08-28