Balls-headleya stipellosa F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey, 1886

higherClassification: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Escalloniales > Escalloniaceae > Balls-headleya F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey
taxonID 3933011
datasetID 046bbc50-cae2-47ff-aa43-729fbf53f7c5
parentNameUsageID 8247621
scientificName Balls-headleya stipellosa F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey, 1886
scientificNameAuthorship F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey, 1886
canonicalName Balls-headleya stipellosa
genericName Balls-headleya
specificEpithet stipellosa
taxonRank species
namePublishedIn A Synopsis of the Queensland Flora, Supplement 1 1886
taxonomicStatus accepted
kingdom Plantae
phylum Tracheophyta
class Magnoliopsida
order Escalloniales
family Escalloniaceae
genus Balls-headleya
DataSource GBIF Backbone Taxonomy   2023-08-28