Callilithophytum P.W.Gabrielson, W.H.Adey, G.P.Johnson & J.J.Hernandez-Kantun, 2015

higherClassification: Plantae > Rhodophyta > Florideophyceae > Corallinales > Hapalidiaceae
taxonID 8374503
datasetID 7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b
parentNameUsageID 4376199
scientificName Callilithophytum P.W.Gabrielson, W.H.Adey, G.P.Johnson & J.J.Hernandez-Kantun, 2015
scientificNameAuthorship P.W.Gabrielson, W.H.Adey, G.P.Johnson & J.J.Hernandez-Kantun, 2015
canonicalName Callilithophytum
genericName Callilithophytum
taxonRank genus
namePublishedIn Adey, W. H.; Hernandez-Kantun, J. J.; Johnson, G.; Gabrielson, P. W. (2015). DNA sequencing, anatomy, and calcification patterns support a monophyletic, subarctic, carbonate reef-forming Clathromorphum (Hapalidiaceae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology. 51(1): 189-203.
taxonomicStatus accepted
kingdom Plantae
phylum Rhodophyta
class Florideophyceae
order Corallinales
family Hapalidiaceae
genus Callilithophytum

Callilithophytum parcum (Setchell & Foslie) P.W.Gabrielson, W.H.Adey, G.P.Johnson & Hernández-Kantún, 2015 species accepted

Polyporolithon parcum species synonym

Clathromorphum parcum (Setchell & Foslie) W.H.Adey species synonym

Lithothamnion parcum Setchell & Foslie species synonym

DataSource GBIF Backbone Taxonomy   2023-08-28