Heterochlamys F.von Mueller, 1854

higherClassification: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Caryophyllales > Amaranthaceae
taxonID 9423560
datasetID 0938172b-2086-439c-a1dd-c21cb0109ed5
parentNameUsageID 3064
acceptedNameUsageID 6035523
scientificName Heterochlamys F.von Mueller, 1854
scientificNameAuthorship F.von Mueller, 1854
canonicalName Heterochlamys
genericName Heterochlamys
taxonRank genus
namePublishedIn Second General Report of the Government Botanist on the Vegetation of the Colony. Victoria
taxonomicStatus synonym
kingdom Plantae
phylum Tracheophyta
class Magnoliopsida
order Caryophyllales
family Amaranthaceae
genus Maireana
DataSource GBIF Backbone Taxonomy   2023-08-28